C Program for finding Student grades,
Using 3 subjects’ marks out of
100 each student marks will be calculated. If student marks are below 35 in any subjects then He/ She will fail
in their exam result output is grade 'F'.
<50 = 'D'
<65 = 'C'
<75 = 'B'
<90 = 'A'
<95 = 'A+'
>95 = 'O' (O - Outstanding)
The program is written in a readable format so you can copy it for output in your compiler,
# include<stdio.h>
# include<stdlib.h>
int main()
float physics, math, chemistry,total;
printf("Enter the marks of Physics out of 100:");
printf("Enter the marks of Chemistry out of 100:");
printf("Enter the marks of Maths out of 100:");
total = (math + physics + chemistry)/3;
if(math<0 || physics<0 || chemistry<0 || math>100 || physics>100 || chemistry>100)
printf("Marks is invalid...!!");
else if(total<=50 && total>=35 && math>=35 && physics>=35 && chemistry>=35)
printf("\n Your Grade is D");
else if(total<=65 && total>50 && math>=35 && physics>=35 && chemistry>=35)
printf("\n Your Grade is C");
else if(total<=75 && total>65 && math>=35 && physics>=35 && chemistry>=35)
printf("\n Your Grade is B");
else if(total<=90 && total>75 && math>=35 && physics>=35 && chemistry>=35)
printf("\n Your Grade is A");
else if(total<=95 && total>90 && math>=35 && physics>=35 && chemistry>=35)
printf("\n Your Grade is A+");
else if(total>=95 && total<100 && math>=35 && physics>=35 && chemistry>=35)
printf("\n Your Grade is O");
printf("\n Your Grade is F");
return 0;